« Globally, the number of patients with oral diseases outstrips the total number of patients with the five most prevalent non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory disease and cancer, by almost 1bn ».
Lire la suiteTwo new members and two new observers have decided to join the federation’s work of dental regulators and competent authorities in Europe :
- the Dental Chamber of Kosovo-Stomatoloska Komora Kosova
- the Dental Chamber of North-Macedonia- Оda Stomatologie e Maqedonisë
- the Dental Chamber of Romania-Colegiul Medicilor Stomatologi din România
- the Dental Society of Switzerland-Société Suisse des Médecins-Dentistes
A 3-point answer (translation of an article originally published in French on 14 February 2024).
Last autumn researchers involved in a major European project (J.Dixon and colleagues, including S.Tubert-Jeannin, V.Roger-Leroi & S. Vital) published a survey on the training of dentists in Europe (1,2). The survey is available online and is entitled « O-HEALTH-EDU: A viewpoint into the current state of Oral Health Professional education in Europe »(available on-line : part 1, part 2).
Professor Tubert-Jeannin (Department of Oral Public Health, University of Clermont Auvergne, France), who is coordinating the project, explains the significance of this study.
Lire la suiteOn 23 and 24 April, the Belgian presidency of the EU hosted an informal meeting of health ministers, focusing on key issues affecting health and healthcare systems across the EU (1).
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