FEDCAR’s Regulators and Competent Dental Authorities have recalled, in a common declaration adopted at Madrid under the Consejo Dentists’ presidency, that the recognition of dental qualifications obtained outside the European Union must at a strict minimum correspond to the applicable European requirements (Directive 2005/36 EC), knowing that some prudent countries apply measures going beyond this minimum standard.
This minimum requirement is mandatory :
- not only to meet the criteria for obtaining the European Blue Card for third-country nationals,
- but above all to guarantee confidence in the oral health competence of the practitioner,
- and to maintain confidence in the free movement of professionals in the EU.
The guarantee for the patient of a high-quality oral health care must not be questioned in any way, regardless of the origin of the qualification.
It is in this light that FEDCAR’s dental regulators and competent authorities support the “European Year of Competence 2023” with its concern for “the transparency of qualifications, including those issued outside the EU”.